- English Service Manual / Repair Manual, to vehicles Nissan 300ZX (Z31).
- description of e4n71b
- general service notice
- on-vehicle service
- removal and installation
- major overhaul
- disassembly
- ass em b ly
- trouble-shooting and diagnoses
- a/t interlock system
- service data and specifications s.d.s
- special service tools
- brake hydraulic line
- brake pedal
- brake booster
- front disc brake cl28ve, cl2bvb) - caliper
- rotor
- rear disc brake (cl14hvb) - caliper
- rear disc brake - rotor
- parking brake
- data and specifications s.d.s.).
- special service tool
- hydraulic clutch control
- clutch control release bearing
- clutch unit
- special service tools
- harness connector
- standardized relay
- power supply routing
- battery
- starting system
- starting system starter
- charging system
- charging system -alternator
- combination switch
- instrument switch
- headlamp
- exterior lamp
- interior lamp
- meter and gauges digital type combination meter
- meter and gauges needle type combination meter
- meter and gauges needle type combination gauge
- warning lamps and chime
- time control system
- wiper and washer
- horn cigarette lighter clock
- rear window defogger
- audio and power antenna
- automatic speed control device a.s.c.d.)
- steering wheel switch system
- theft warning system
- location of electrical units
- harness layout
- special service tools
- precautions ef &
- engine and emission control parts location ef &
- e.c.c.s diagram ef &
- fuel flow system description ef &
- air flow system description ef &
- e.c.c.s circuit diagram ef &
- e.c.c.s wiring diagram ef &
- e.c.c.s description ef &
- self.diagnosis ef &
- electronic control system inspection ef &
--- crank angle sensor ef &
--- flow meter ef &
--- cylinder head temperature sensor ef &
--- vehicle speed sensor ef &
--- ignition signal ef &
--- fuel pump ef &
--- engine control unit ef &
--- e.g.r function ef &
--- exhaust gas sensor ef &
--- fuel temperature sensor ef &
--- throttle sensor ef &
--- injector leak ef &
--- a.i.v control solenoid valve ef &
--- e.g.r control solenoid valve ef &
--- valve ef &
--- valve ef &
--- switch ef &
--- p.r control solenoid valve ef &
--- regulator ef &
- e.c.u input/output signal inspection ef &
- mixture ratio feedback system inspection ef &
- inspection ef &
- turbocharger inspection ef &
- evaporative emission control system ef &
- e.g.r system inspection ef &
- crankcase emission control system ef &
- a.i.v system inspection ef &
- service data and specifications s.d.s.) ef &
--- ef &
- impossible to start - no combustion ef &
- impossible to start - partial combustion ef &
- impossible to start - partial combustion (not affected by throttle position) ef &
- combustion quality) ef &
- 5 hard to start - before warm-up ef &
--- after warm-up ef &
--- morning after a rainy day ef &
--- no fast idle ef &
--- low idle (afterwarm-up) ef &
--- high idle (after warm-up) ef &
--- before warm-up ef &
--- afterwarm-up ef &
--- stumble (while accelerating) ef &
--- surge (while cruising) ef &
--- lack of power ef &
--- during start-up ef &
--- while idling ef &
--- while accelerating ef &
--- whilecruising ef &
--- while decelerating/just after stopping ef &
--- while loading (power steering air conditioner headlamps etc ef &
--- through the intake ef &
--- through the exhaust ef &
--- ef %t
- preparation
- ivg30e
- engine components outer parts
- checking compression pressure
- timing belt
- timing belt removal
- timing belt inspection
- timing belt installation
- cylinder head
- cylinder head removal
- head disassembly
- cylinder head inspection
- head assembly
- head installation
- oil pan
- oil seal replacement
- engine removal
- engine overhaul
- engine overhaul disassembly
- front axle and front suspension
- front axle wheel hub
- front suspension
- front suspension -spring and strut assembly
- front suspension -tension rod and stabilizer bar
- front suspension -transverse link
- front suspension - suspension crossrnember
- (including wiring diagram)
- service data and specifications s.d.s.)
- special service tools
- how to use this manual gi.
- identification information
- general description
- air flow and component layout (manual)
- location of vacuum components (manual)
- control
- heater electrical circuit
- description air conditioner (manual)
- discharging evacuating charging and checking
- a/c performance test (manual)
- refrigerant connection
- f.1.c.d
- compressor oil- formjs170
- compressor -model mjs170
- a/c electrical circuit (manual)
- a/c electrical components (manual)
- location of a/c electrical components (manual)
- trouble diagnoses (manual)
- description -air conditioner (auto)
- air flow and component layout (auto)
- location of vacuum components (auto)
- a/c performance test (auto)
- (auto)
- a/c electrical circuit (auto)
- a/c electrical components (auto)
- location of a/c electrical components (auto)
- self-diagnosing system of trouble (auto)
- trouble diagnoses (auto)
- service data and specifications s.d.s.)
- circuit for trouble diagnoses
- preliminary check
--- 1) insufficient cooling (mode switch position: "face")
--- 2) insufficient heating
--- insufficient air flow (blower motor does not rotate
--- 4) abnormal sound
- trouble diagnoses from abnormal conditions
--- (a) blower motor does not rotate
--- (b) air flow cannot be changed between hi and lo
--- (c) blower motor continues to rotate when fan switch is turned off
--- (d) "face" mode cannot be set
--- (e) "8/l" mode cannot be set
--- (g) "demist" mode cannot be set
--- (h) "def" mode cannot be set
--- (i) outlet air will not become warm
--- (j) outlet air will not become cool
--- (k) outlet air temperature cannot be changed with temp control lever
--- (l) malfunction of water cock operation
--- (m) outlet air temperature fluctuates
--- (n) recirculation mode cannot be set when "rec" switch is pressed
--- (p) outside air is not drawn into compartment when "rec" switch is turned off
--- (q) compressor clutch is not engaged
--- (!?)malfunction of f.i.c.d
--- (s) blower motor rotates intermittently
- circuit for trouble diagnoses
- auto a/c system diagnosis
--- acc or when engine is running
- lnputsystemdiagnosis
--- inoperative input system
- output system diagnosis
--- 1) lnoperativeair mixdoor
--- (co) input & output system: check 0-1 for proper operation
--- doors water cock and compressor diagnosis
--- check if 12 volts are present at terminal 867 (s8) with connector @ in place
--- connected
--- vacuumtank
--- located in engine compartment
--- blower motor diagnosis
--- conduct self-diagnostic checks on input & output system
- automatic amplifier diagnosis
--- lcd (liquid crystal display) or led (light emitting diode) does not glow
--- (io) do lcd's or led's glow?
--- operating (buzzing) sound is not emitted
--- across buzzer terminals (red @ and black 0 ) to see if buzzer sounds
--- switches on switch panel assembly do not operate
--- is set amb temperature displayed when ignition switch is set to acc?
--- erroneous display during inspection of the input system
--- are all numbers except step no 7 correct?
--- erroneous operation during inspection of the output system
--- does air flow indication change properly?
--- escutcheon lamp does not come on
- replacement of control subassembly and switch panel assembly
- blower continues to rotate in hi mode
- blower rotates only in lo mode
- blower motor does not rotate
- blower speed changes variably
- no air is discharged from vent outlets
- no air is discharged from floor outlets
- no air is discharged from defroster outlets
- hot air is not discharged or outlet air temperature does not change
- no cool air is discharged
- cool air at foot level will not stop or is discharged intermittently
- outslde air is not drawn into compartment
- dischargedairistoocool
- discharged air is not cool
- compartment istoohot
- engine lubrication system
- lubrication system - for turbocharged models
- engine cooling system
- engine cooling system - for tuhocharged models
- service data and specifications s.d.s.)
- special service tools
- periodic maintenance
- general maintenance
- chart
- maintenance
- chassis and body maintenance
- specifications s.d.s.)
- tools
- preparation
- on-vehicle service
- removal and installation
- major overhaul
- disassembly
- inspection
- assembly
- major overhaul
- disassembly
- inspection
- assembly
- service data and specifications s.d.s.)
- propeller shaft and differential carrier
--- propeller shaft
--- general inspection
--- removal and installation
--- inspection
--- final drive
--- on vehicle service
--- front oil seal replacement
--- side oil seal replacement
--- ring gear to drive pinion backlash
--- removal and installation
--- dissasembly
--- pre-inspection
--- differential carrier
--- differential case
--- inspection
--- ring gear and drive pinion
--- differential case assembly
--- bearing
--- adjustment
--- setting up each tool
--- drive pinion height
--- drive pinion preload
--- side bearing preload
--- tooth contact
--- assembly
--- differential case
--- differential carrier
--- service data and specifications
--- propeller shaft
--- differential carrier
--- special service tools
- rear axle and rear suspension
- rear axle axle shaft
- drive shaft
- drive shaft "tripod-tripod" type
- drive shaft "double 0ffset.birfield"type
- rear suspension
- rear suspension adjustable shock absorber
- data and specifications s.d.s.).
- special service tools