- English Service Manual / Repair Manual and Spare Parts Catalog, to vehicles Citroën GS.
- Frontispiece
- Introduction
- Contents list
- General characteristics
- Saloon 1015 cc
- Saloon 1220 cc
- Estate 1015 cc
- Estate 1220 cc
- Fitting a roof rack
- External and internal dimensions
- Fitting the monograms
- Precautions and materials
- Electrical precautions
- Hydraulic precautions
- Materials recommended
- Engine
- General Data
- Cross-section drawings
- Lubrication system
- Detailed data
- Adjusting the rockers
- Check valve timing
- Carburation
- Fuel pump
- Ignition
- Oil pressure check
- Clutch
- Torque converter
- Gearbox with torque conv.
- Oil change
- Gearbox with clutch
- Drive shafts
- Hydraulic system
- Source and reserve of pressure
- Check hydraulic units
- Front axle
- Attach wishbones
- Mark straight ahead posn.
- Check camber
- Check, adjust wheel alignment
- Check rear axle
- Suspension
- Check manual height control
- Lubricate fr. and r suspn.
- Suspension cylinder
- Hydraulic system diagram
- Preset heights
- Adjust heights
- Adjust anti-roll bar
- Steering
- Brakes
- Disc run-out check
- Bleed brakes
- Adjust pedal travel
- Parking brake
- Electrical system
- French cars to 7/'73
- Bulb table
- Fuse table
- Key to wiring diagram
- Wiring diagram
- French cars from 7/73
- Presentation of diagram
- Bulb table
- Wiring diagram
- Table of fuses
- Export cars except D, B, DK, I, N, CH, NL, O, RHD
- Layout diagram
- Schematic diagram
- Bulb table
- Presentation of the diagrams
- All RHD models since 3/'71
- Bulb table
- Schematic diagram
- Layout diagram
- Fuses
- RHD cars since 7/'73
- Table of bulbs
- Schematic diagram
- Layout diagram
- Fuses
- Export cars for Norway
- Layout diagram
- Schematic diagram
- Bulb table
- Export cars for D, NL, B
- Layout diagram
- Schematic diagram
- Bulb table
- Presentation of diagrams
- Export cars for Denmark
- Presentation of the diagrams
- Bulb table
- Schematic diagram
- Layout diagram
- Adjust headlights
- Adjust screen wipers
- Check, repair r. window heater
- Body
- Fitting a roof rack
- External and internal dimensions
- Adjustment of panels
- Adjustment of rear door
- Adjustment of front door
- Adjustment of boot lid
- Adjustment of bonnet
- Unlocking bonnet
- Special tools
- List of special tools
- Special tool drawings
- Frontispiece
- Instructions
- Section 1 - Remove/fit
- List of operations
- Engine
- Engine w. gearbox
- Engine only
- Cylinders, pistons
- Rockers, shaft
- Timing belt
- Camshaft
- Oil pump, drive, seal
- Gearbox
- Strip/assemble gearbox
- Selector fork op. lever
- Gear lever
- G'box outlet shaft
- Drive shaft
- D'shaft rubber sleeve
- High pressure pump
- Suspension
- Upper wheelarm
- Lower wheelarm
- Lower wheelarm bushes
- Swivel, balljoint
- Hub bearing, seals
- Front axle unit
- Rear wheelarm
- Pivot-tube bregs, seal etc.
- Brake disc, hub, bearing
- Rear axle unit
- R. wheelarm support tube
- Front anti-roll bar
- Front height control
- Rear height control
- Steering system
- Brakes
- Main brake pads
- Brake caliper
- Windscreen wiper
- Motor
- Mechanism
- Body shell
- List of special tools
- Special tool drawings
- Section 2 - Recondition
- List of operations
- Engine
- Cross-sectional views
- Lubrication diagrams
- Engine data
- Dismantling
- Preparation
- Fitting
- Stripping for replacement/reconditioning
- Cooling ducts
- Assembly
- Cylinder head
- 4-speed gearbox
- Cross-section drawings
- Gear Sequence
- Stripping the assemblies
- Preparation of assemblies
- Setting tools for CWP
- Adjust crown-wheel, pinion
- Fitting
- 3-speed g'box, torque converter
- Cross-section drawings
- Gear train
- Torque converter operation
- Recondition gearbox
- Stripping assemblies
- Preparing assemblies
- CWP setting tools
- Adjust crown wheel, pinion
- Reassembly
- Drive-shaft
- Wheelarm bushes
- Rear wheelarm
- Steering system
- List of special tools
- Special tool drawings
- Section 3 - Electrical system
- List of operations
- Alternators
- Characteristics, types
- Checking on vehicle
- Regulator, battery
- Starter motor
- Types, checking
- Ducellier pinion adjustment
- Paris-Rhône pinion adjustment
- Alternators
- Paris-Rhône 11M7
- Checking components
- Paris-Rhône 11R1
- Ducellier 7540, 7562A
- Checking components
- Ducellier 7541A
- SEV-Marchal alternator
- Starter overhaul
- Ducellier 6208A, B
- Paris-Rhône D8-E103
- Section 4 - Bodywork
- List of operations
- Body shell components
- Checking
- Accident damage
- Front, rear axle units
- Body on a jig.
- Body dimensions
- Replace
- Scuttle, screen fame
- Fr. subrame fixing arms
- Centre pillar
- Bare side panel
- Assembled side panel
- Lower part side panel
- Side panel front section
- Side panel centre section
- Centre pillar, sidepanel lower section
- Rear wing
- LH front wheelarch
- RH front wheelarch
- Sun roof
- Adjust
- Remove/refit
- Strip, assemble
- Water-tightness
- Replace
- Replace
- Side door outer panel
- Side window
- Rear window
- R. window w. rubber seal
- List of special tools
- Special tool drawings
- General information
- Car type symbols
- Symbols used in the text
- Table of contents
- Index
- Numérotation «A»
- Numérotation «D»
- Numérotation «GX»
- Numérotation «N»
- Numérotation «S»
- Numérotation «U»
- Numérotation «ZA»
- Numérotation «ZC»
- Engine
- Block, cylinders, pistons
- Cylinder head
- Camshaft, valves
- Crankshaft
- Valve timing
- Oil pump
- Oil circuit
- Carburettor, manifolds
- Accelerator
- Air filter
- Clutch
- Automatic clutch
- Converter oil circuit
- Gearbox
- Gearbox housing
- G'box pinions, shafts
- Spindles, shafts
- Differential
- Gearchange control
- Driveshafts
- Brakes
- Front brake cooling
- Front brakes
- Rear brakes
- Handbrake handle
- Handbrake levers, cables
- Pedals
- Brake, clutch pedals
- Pedal gear, clutch
- Pedal gear, brakes
- Hydraulics, suspension
- Brake control valve
- Brake piping
- Suspension piping
- Return piping
- Fixing, protection of piping
- Hydraulic pump
- Pressure reg., accumulator
- Security valve
- Hyd. fluid reservoir
- Fr. suspension cyl
- R. suspension cylinders
- Anti roll bars
- Height correctors
- Manual height control
- Front axle arms
- Fr. pivots, hubs, wheels
- R. axle arms
- R. hubs, brake discs
- Anti-theft device
- Steering box and rods
- Ignition
- S.E.V. Marchal
- Ducellier 12/70->
- Alternator
- Paris-Rhône
- Starter
- Paris-Rhône
- Ducellier
- Engine mountings
- Fuel tank, gauge unit
- Fuel piping
- Exhaust
- Air cooling f. engine
- Heating, ventilation
- Heating intake
- Ventilation
- Heating -20º
- Heating, ventilation
- Heater controls
- Bumpers
- Fr. bumper, no. plate
- R. bumper
- Electrical
- Instrument panel
- Jaeger RHD
- Screen wiper
- Screen washer
- Fr. lights, int. lamp
- R. lamps, boot light
- Radio
- Wiring
- Electrical equipment
- Body
- GX S 4
- GX F 4
- GX F 2 «Tôle»
- GX F 2 «Glace»
- Front unit
- Body centre, r. floor
- Side panels GX S 4
- Side panels GX F 4
- Side panels GX F2 «Tôle»
- Side panels GX F2 «Glace»
- Front wings
- Fr. panel, grille
- Bonnet
- Front doors
- Front door glass
- Rear doors
- Rear door glass
- F and R door locks
- Boot door
- Tailgate
- Boot door lock
- Window glass
- Estate, van glass
- Van side panel glass
- Dash board
- Centre console
- Sun visor, r. view mirror
- Tools for wheels
- Front seat frames (Club)
- Front seat trim
- Front seat frames (Confort)
- Safety belts
- R. bench seat frame
- R. folding seat frame
- R. folding seat trim
- Front door panels
- Front door panels
- Sound proofing
- Body int. trim
- Frontispiece
- General information
- Symbols for car types
- Abbreviations
- Table of groups
- Group 1 Engine, Gearbox
- Engine
- Cylinder head
- Block, cylinders, pistons
- Crankshaft
- Camshaft drive
- Cam, valves, rockers
- Oil pump
- Oil circuit
- Gearbox
- Gearbox housing
- Pinions and shafts
- Spindles, forks
- Gearchange control
- Differential
- Group 2 Engine externals
- Inlet, exhaust manifolds
- ->9/'72 (or '71)
- 9/'71 (or '73)->
- Carburetter
- Solex 7 cv
- Solex 6 cv 9/'72->
- Weber 7 cv
- Weber 6 cv 9/'72->
- Accelerator -> 11/70
- Accelerator 11/70->
- Air filter ->9/71
- Air filter 9/71->
- Ignition
- S.E.V. Marchal
- Ducellier 12/70->
- Coil, plugs, leads
- Clutch
- Automatic clutch
- Convertor oil circuit
- Alternator
- Ducellier ->1/71
- Ducellier 1/71->
- Paris-Rhône
- Starter motor
- Ducellier
- Ducellier 6/73->
- Paris-Rhône
- Group 3 Hydraulics
- HP Pump
- Press. reg., Main accu.
- Safety valve
- Reservoir
- Fr. axle unit, arms
- Fr. pivots, hubs, wheels
- R. axle unit, arms
- R. hubs, brake discs
- Fr. suspn cylinders
- R. suspension cylinders
- Height correctos, control
- Fr., R. anti-roll bars
- Manual height control
- Man ht. control 3/72->
- Steering wheel, anti-theft
- Steerg. box., rods
- Group 4 Brakes, pedals, pipes
- Brake, clutch pedals
- Brake pedal RHD
- Clutch pedal RHD
- Driveshafts, diff shafts
- Brake piping
- Suspension supply pipes
- Return piping
- Fixing, protection f. piping
- Front brakes 6cv
- Front brakes 7cv
- Rear brakes
- Front brake cooling
- Brake control valve
- Handbrake handle
- Handbrake levers, cables
- Group 5 Electrical
- Wiring
- Elec. equpt, battery
- Bulbs
- Instrument panel
- Confort LHD
- Club LHD
- «Jaeger» Confort LHD
- «Jaeger» Club LHD
- «Jaeger» RHD
- Inst panel accessories
- Front, interior lights
- Rear lamps, boot light
- Screen wiper
- S.E.V. Marchal
- Marelli 1/72->
- Screen washer
- Horn
- Radio set
- Group 6 Engine mounts, fuel, exhaust sytemsheating/ventilation
- Front engine mounts
- Fuel piping
- Fuel tank, gauge unit
- Exhaust
- Engine cooling
- Front bumper
- Rear bumper
- Heating intake
- Heating and ventilation
- Heating, ventilation controls
- Heating -20º
- Ventilation
- Group 7 Body
- Front Unit
- Centre + r. floor
- Floor trim panels
- Body - BL
- Body - F4
- Body - F2
- Body - F2 glazed
- Side panels - BL
- Side panels - F4
- Side panels - F2 glazed
- Sliding roof
- Doors
- Front doors
- Rear doors
- Boot door - BL
- Boot door - BK
- Front wings
- Bonnet
- Front panel. grille
- Central console
- Facia panel
- Side door locks ->3/72
- Side door locks 3/72->
- Lock f. boot door
- Glass
- Window glass - BL
- Window glass - F4
- Window glass - F2 glace
- Glass for f. doors
- Glass for r. doors
- Group 8 Interior
- Sun visor, mirror
- Safety belts
- R. seat bench frame
- R. bench st. trim
- R. folding bench armature
- R bench trim Club 7/73->
- R. bench trim BK Club ->4/72
- R. bench trim BK club 4/72->
- R. bench trim BK Conf.
- R. bench trim BK Conf 7/73->
- R. fixed bench Club 7/73->
- R. folding bench armature
- R. f. bench trim BK Club ->4/72
- R. fg. bench trim BK Club 4/72->
- R. fg bench trim BK Conf.
- Front seats
- Sound proofing, carpets
- Body interior trim
- Front door panels
- Rear door panels
- Door panels Confort
- Index
- A, D, GX
- N, ZA
- ZC
- 5,000,000
- Frontispiece
- Contents
- Chassis numbers
- General Characteristics
- Dimensions GA
- Roof rack
- Dimensions GE, GF
- Engine
- Cylinder arrangement
- Engine characteristics
- Valve clearances
- Fuel supply
- Ignition
- Cross-section drg.
- Crankcase
- Cylinder head
- Crankshaft
- Pistons, rings, cylinders
- Valve timing
- Rockers, timing
- Valve clearance
- Valves
- Valve springs
- Carburettor
- Fuel supply
- Petrol tank
- Ignition
- Lubrication
- Oil cooler, fan
- Clutch
- Gearbox
- Manual gearbox
- Citromatic gearbox
- Differential
- Drive shafts
- Hydraulic system
- H. P. pump
- Source and reserve of pressure
- Pressure regulator
- Front axle
- Rear axle
- Hydraulic suspension
- Front anti-roll bar
- Steering
- Brakes
- Electrical
- Wiring diagram
- Fuse table
- Bulb table
- Heater
- Trailer wiring
- Alternator, battery
- Starter
- Regulator
- Screen wipers
- Auxiliary heating
- Bodywork
- Tyres
- Maintenance