- English Service Manual / Repair Manual and Wiring Diagrams, for Case 921C.
- General
- Section index - general
- Standard torque specifications
- Fluids and lubricants
- Loctite product chart
- Engines
- Section index - engines
- Description
- Engine and radiator removal and installation
- Stall test
- For engine repair, see your cummins engine service center
- Fuel system
- Section index - fuel system
- For fuel system repair, see your cummins engine service center
- Electrical
- Section index - electrical
- Removal and installation of starter and altemator
- Electrical specifications and troubleshooting
- Batteries
- Starter and starter solenoid
- Information and diagnostic center
- Alternator
- Power train
- Sectloo index+~ powel'?train
- Removal and installation of power train components
- Trransmission ~pecificatiotls, pressure checks:, and troubleshooting
- Transmission
- 62l:•c •fi.ront and:rearaxle •72t crearaxle
- 721 c front axle
- Wheels and tires
- Section index - brakes
- Remova'l•:•and lnstaua?ion of brake components
- Hydr~.~li~ •. Bra.ke •• ~roubleshooting
- Btike•a.ctumulators
- Brake actuator valve
- Brake accumulator•vaive
- Parking brake
- Note:. Forparking brake and brake pedajad}ustments, see section 9001.
- Hydraulics
- Section index - hydraulics
- Removal: and installation of hydraulic components
- Hydraulic specifications, troubleshooting, and pressure checks
- Cleaning the hydraulic system
- Hydraulic pump
- Loade:[:..controlvalve
- Cylinders
- Aimote• control valves
- Combination valve
- Aceumulator fof ride control
- Solenoid valve and accumulator valve for ride control
- Mounted equipment
- Section index - mounted equipment
- Pedals•and•.•levers
- Air conditioning troubleshooting and system checks for systems with hfc-134a
- Refrigerant
- Ait:oolllditioner s)lstem se:rvice
- Removal and installation of air conditioning components for systems with hfc-
- 134a refrigerant