- English Service Manual, to vehicles Arctic Cat 450, 1000 ATV (2012).
- General Specifications
- Torque Specifications
- Torque Conversions (ft-lb/N-m)
- Break-In Procedure
- Gasoline - Oil - Lubricant
- Recommended Gasoline
- Recommended Engine/ Transmission Oil
- Recommended Front Differential/Rear Drive Lubricant
- Filling Gas Tank
- Genuine Parts
- Preparation For Storage
- Preparation After Storage
- Periodic Maintenance Chart
- Periodic Maintenance
- Special Tools
- Lubrication Points
- Air Filter
- Checking And Cleaning Drains
- Valve/Tappet Clearance
- Feeler Gauge Procedure
- Valve Adjuster Procedure
- Testing Engine Compression
- Spark Plug(s)
- Muffler/Spark Arrester
- Engine/Transmission Oil - Filter - Strainer
- Oil - Filter
- Liquid Cooling System
- Checking/Filling
- Front Differential/Rear Drive Lubricant
- Nuts/Bolts/Cap Screws
- Headlights/Taillight-Brakelight
- Checking/Adjusting Headlight Aim
- Shift Lever
- Checking Adjustment
- Adjusting Shift Lever
- Hydraulic Brake Systems
- Checking/Bleeding
- Inspecting Hoses
- Checking/Replacing Pads
- Burnishing Brake Pads
- Checking/Replacing V-Belt
- Removing
- Installing
- Engine/Transmission
- Special Tools
- Specifications (450)
- Specifications (1000)
- Troubleshooting
- Table of Contents (450)
- Removing Engine/ Transmission
- Top-Side Components
- Removing Top-Side Components
- A. Cylinder Head Cover/ Rocker Arms B. Cylinder Head/Camshaft
- C. Cylinder D. Piston
- Servicing Top-Side Components
- Valve Assembly
- Cleaning/Inspecting Cylinder Head Cover
- Removing Valves
- Measuring Valve Stem Runout
- Measuring Valve Stem Outside Diameter
- Measuring Valve Face/Seat Width
- Measuring Valve Face Radial Runout
- Measuring Valve Guide (Inside Diameter)
- Servicing Valves/Valve Guides/Valve Seats
- Measuring Rocker Arm (Inside Diameter)
- Measuring Rocker Arm Shaft (Outside Diameter)
- Installing Valves
- Piston Assembly
- Cleaning/Inspecting Piston
- Removing Piston Rings
- Cleaning/Inspecting Piston Ring Grooves
- Measuring Piston-Ring End Gap (Installed)
- Measuring Piston Pin, Connecting Rod Small End, and Piston-Pin Bore
- Measuring Piston Skirt/ Cylinder Clearance
- Installing Piston Rings
- Cylinder/Cylinder Head Assembly
- Cleaning/Inspecting Cylinder Head
- Measuring Cylinder Head Distortion
- Cleaning/Inspecting Cylinder
- Inspecting Cam Chain Guide
- Honing Cylinder
- Measuring Camshaft Runout
- Measuring Camshaft Lobe Height
- Inspecting Camshaft Bearing Journal
- Measuring Camshaft to Cylinder Head Clearance
- Inspecting Camshaft Spring/Drive Pin
- Installing Top-Side Components
- A. Piston B. Cylinder
- C. Cylinder Head/Camshaft D. Cylinder Head Cover/ Rocker Arms
- Left-Side Components
- Removing Left-Side Components
- A. Water Pump B. Speed Sensor C. Magneto Cover/ Stator Assembly
- D. Rotor/Flywheel E. Starter Clutch/Gear F. Starter Motor
- G. Shift Shaft H. Drive Gear
- Servicing Left-Side Components
- Inspecting Starter Clutch/Gear
- Replacing Starter Clutch Assembly
- Replacing Starter Gear Bearing
- Inspecting Stator/Magneto Cover Assembly
- Replacing Stator Coil/ Crankshaft Position Sensor
- Replacing Magneto Cover Bearings
- Installing Left-Side Components
- A. Starter Clutch/Gear B. Rotor/Flywheel
- C. Magneto Cover D. Water Pump
- Right-Side Components
- Removing Right-Side Components
- A. V-Belt Cover B. Driven Pulley C. Clutch Cover
- D. Centrifugal Clutch Assembly E. Oil Pump Drive Gear F. Oil Pump Driven Gear
- G. Oil Pump/Oil Strainer
- Servicing Right-Side Components
- Inspecting Centrifugal Clutch Shoe
- Inspecting Centrifugal Clutch Housing
- Inspecting Primary One-Way Drive
- Inspecting Oil Pump
- Driven Pulley Assembly
- Installing Right-Side Components
- A. Oil Strainer/Oil Pump
- B. Clutch Cover C. Fixed Drive Face D. Movable Drive Face
- Center Crankcase Components
- Separating Crankcase Halves
- Disassembling Crankcase Half
- Servicing Center Crankcase Components
- Secondary Gears
- Checking Backlash
- Correcting Backlash
- Checking Tooth Contact
- Correcting Tooth Contact
- Crankshaft Assembly
- Measuring Connecting Rod (Small End Inside Diameter)
- Measuring Connecting Rod (Small End Deflection)
- Measuring Connecting Rod (Big End Side-to-Side)
- Measuring Crankshaft (Runout)
- Measuring Crankshaft (Web-to-Web)
- Countershaft
- Disassembling
- Assembling
- Assembling Crankcase Half
- Joining Crankcase Halves
- Installing Engine/Transmission
- Table of Contents (1000)
- Removing Engine/ Transmission
- Top-Side Components
- Removing Top-Side Components
- A. Valve Cover/Rocker Arms B. Cylinder Head/Camshaft
- C. Cylinders D. Pistons
- Servicing Top-Side Components
- Valve Assembly
- Cleaning/Inspecting Valve Cover
- Removing Valves
- Measuring Valve Stem Runout
- Measuring Valve Stem Outside Diameter
- Measuring Valve Face/Seat Width
- Measuring Valve Face Radial Runout
- Measuring Valve Guide/Valve Stem Deflection (Wobble Method)
- Measuring Valve Guide (Inside Diameter)
- Servicing Valves/Valve Guides/Valve Seats
- Measuring Rocker Arm (Inside Diameter)
- Measuring Rocker Arm Shaft (Outside Diameter)
- Installing Valves
- Piston Assembly
- Cleaning/Inspecting Piston
- Removing Piston Rings
- Cleaning/Inspecting Piston Rings
- Measuring Piston-Ring End Gap (Installed)
- Measuring Piston Pin (Outside Diameter) and Piston-Pin Bore
- Measuring Piston Skirt/Cylinder Clearance
- Installing Piston Rings
- Cylinder/Cylinder Head Assembly
- Cleaning/Inspecting Cylinder Head
- Measuring Cylinder Head Distortion
- Cleaning/Inspecting Cylinder
- Inspecting Cam Chain Guide
- Inspecting Cylinder
- Measuring Camshaft Runout
- Measuring Camshaft Lobe Height
- Inspecting Camshaft Bearing Journal
- Measuring Camshaft to Cylinder Head Clearance
- Inspecting Camshaft Spring/Drive Pin (Front Camshaft Only)
- Installing Top-Side Components
- A. Pistons B. Cylinders
- C. Cylinder Head D. Valve Cover
- Left-Side Components
- Removing Left-Side Components
- A. Magneto Cover/Stator Coils B. Water Pump C. Shifter Assembly D. Rotor/Flywheel/Starter Clutch E. Speed Sensor/ Trigger Assembly
- Installing Left-Side Components
- Right-Side Components
- Removing Right-Side Components
- A. V-Belt Cover B. Driven Pulley C. Clutch Cover D. Centrifugal Clutch
- Servicing Right-Side Components
- Inspecting Centrifugal Clutch Shoe
- Inspecting Clutch Housing
- Inspecting Primary One-Way Drive
- Driven Pulley Assembly
- Installing Right-Side Components
- Center Crankcase Components
- Separating Crankcase Halves
- Disassembling Crankcase Half
- Servicing Center Crankcase Components
- Secondary Output Drive Gears
- Initial Set-Up
- Checking Backlash
- Correcting Backlash
- Oil Pump Assembly
- Disassembling and Inspecting
- Assembling
- Crankshaft Assembly
- Measuring Connecting Rod (Small End Inside Diameter)
- Measuring Connecting Rod (Small End Deflection)
- Measuring Connecting Rod (Big End Side-to-Side)
- Measuring Crankshaft (Runout)
- Measuring Crankshaft (Web-to-Web)
- Countershaft
- Disassembling
- Assembling
- Assembling Crankcase Half
- Joining Crankcase Halves
- Installing Engine/Transmission
- Fuel/Lubrication/Cooling
- Special Tools
- Electronic Fuel Injection
- Troubleshooting
- Removing (450)
- Removing (1000)
- Installing (450)
- Installing (1000)
- Throttle Cable Free-Play
- Engine RPM (Idle)
- Gas Tank
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Oil Filter/Oil Pump
- Testing Oil Pump Pressure
- Oil Cooler (1000)
- Removing
- Installing
- Liquid Cooling System
- Radiator
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Thermostat
- Removing (450)
- Removing (1000)
- Inspecting
- Installing (450)
- Installing (1000)
- Cooling Fan
- Removing
- Installing
- Water Pump (450)
- Removing
- Installing
- Water Pump (1000)
- Removing
- Installing
- Electric Fuel Pump/Fuel Level Sensor
- Testing
- Removing
- Inspecting
- Installing
- Troubleshooting
- Electrical System
- Special Tools
- Electrical Connections
- Battery
- Maintenance Charging
- Charging
- RPM Limiter
- Testing Electrical Components
- Accessory Receptacle/Connector
- Voltage
- Brakelight Switch (Auxiliary)
- Voltage (Wiring Harness Side)
- Resistance (Switch Connector)
- Brakelight Switch (Handlebar Control)
- Voltage (Wiring Harness Connector)
- Resistance (Switch Connector)
- Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor
- Fan Motor
- Resistance (Fan Motor Connector)
- Power Distribution Module (PDM)
- Fuses
- Relays
- Ignition Coil
- Resistance
- Primary Winding
- Secondary Winding
- Spark Plug Cap
- Primary Voltage - Ecu (1000)
- EFI Sensors/Components
- Crankshaft Position (Ckp) Sensor
- Manifold Absolute Pressure (Map) Sensor (1000 Models)
- Inlet Air Temperature (Iat) Sensor (1000 Models)
- Manifold Absolute Pressure/ Inlet Air Temperature (Map/Iat) Sensor (450)
- Speed Sensor
- Electronic Power Steering (EPS)
- Ignition Switch
- Voltage
- Resistance
- Handlebar Control Switches
- Resistance (Hi Beam)
- Resistance (Lo Beam)
- Diode (Starter Button)
- Resistance (Engine Stop Switch)
- Resistance (Reverse Override)
- Drive Select Switch
- Resistance
- Voltage
- Front Drive/Differential Lock Actuator
- Voltage
- Stator Coil/Crankshaft Position (CKP) Sensor
- Voltage (Ac Generator - Regulated Output)
- Voltage (Ac Generator - No Load)
- Resistance (Ac Generator)
- Resistance (Crankshaft Position Sensor)
- Ac Voltage
- Crankshaft Position Sensor
- Starter Relay
- Starter Motor
- Testing Voltage
- Removing
- Installing
- Electronic Control Unit (ECU)
- Regulator/Rectifier
- Testing
- Headlights
- Voltage
- Taillight - Brakelight
- Voltage (Taillight)
- Voltage (Brakelight)
- Ignition Timing
- Tilt Sensor
- Supply Voltage
- Output Voltage
- Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) (450)
- Inspecting
- Removing
- Installing/Adjusting
- Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) (1000 FIS)
- Inspecting
- Removing
- Installing/Adjusting
- Throttle Position Sensor (TPS) (1000 TRV/1000 Cruiser/1000 Mud Pro)
- Inspecting
- Removing
- Installing/Adjusting
- Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) (1000 FIS)
- Code List
- Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC) (450/1000 TRV/1000 Cruiser/1000 Mud Pro)
- Code List
- Troubleshooting
- Drive System/Brake System
- General Information
- Special Tools
- Front Drive Actuator/Differential Lock
- Removing
- Installing
- Front Differential
- Removing Differential
- Disassembling Input Shaft
- Assembling Input Shaft
- Disassembling Differential Assembly
- Disassembling Pinion Gear
- Assembling Pinion Gear
- Shimming Procedure/Shim Selection
- Backlash
- Ring Gear End-Play
- Assembling Differential Assembly
- Removing/Installing Axle Seal
- Installing Differential
- Drive Axles
- Removing Rear Drive Axle
- Removing Front Drive Axle
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Disassembling/Inspecting/Asse- Mbling Axles
- Installing Rear Drive Axle
- Installing Front Drive Axle
- Rear Gear Case
- Removing
- Ring Gear/Thrust Button
- Removing
- Inspecting
- Installing/Shimming
- Rear Drive Input Shaft/ Housing (1000)
- Removing/Disassembling
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Assembling/Installing
- Installing
- Hub
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Hand Brake Lever/Master Cylinder Assembly
- Removing
- Inspecting
- Installing
- Hydraulic Brake Caliper
- Removing/Disassembling
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Assembling/Installing
- Troubleshooting Drive System
- Troubleshooting Brake System
- Suspension
- Shock Absorbers
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Front A-Arms
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Rear A-Arms
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Wheels and Tires
- Tire Size
- Tire Inflation Pressure
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Checking/Inflating
- Troubleshooting
- Steering/Frame/Controls
- LCD Gauge
- Replacing
- Steering Post/Tie Rods
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing (Models Without Electronic Power Steering)
- Installing (Electronic Power Steering Models)
- Handlebar Grip
- Removing
- Inspecting
- Installing
- Throttle Control
- Removing
- Installing
- Adjusting
- Steering Knuckles
- Removing And Disassembling
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Assembling And Installing
- Measuring/Adjusting Toe-Out
- Shift Lever
- Removing
- Installing
- Front Rack
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Front Bumper Assembly
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Front Body Panel/Side Panels
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Footrests
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Belly Panel
- Removing/Installing
- Exhaust System
- Removing Muffler
- Inspecting Muffler
- Installing Muffler
- Rear Body Panel/Rack
- Removing
- Cleaning And Inspecting
- Installing
- Taillight Assembly
- Removing
- Inspecting
- Installing
- Seat
- Removing/Installing
- Troubleshooting